Quantum Heart Hypnosis
Experiencing a Quantum Healing Session can be very transformational. It is invaluable to have the opportunity to experience other lives you have lived, meet your guides or spirit family, and/or understand yourself as an infinite spiritual being. A Quantum Healing session can provide a "higher" perspective to your existence and the reason you decided to experience this life you are currently living. During a session with me, through guided imagery you will be induced into a Theta Brainwave state. Once you have reached the Theta Brainwave, there is have access to your Subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will decide what information you will benefit the greatest from understanding and learning about in the session. After the Higher Self shows us the past/parallel lives most beneficial for our growth; we make contact with the Higher Self aspect. This is the part of the Consciousness where we can access greater levels of information, receive the answers to questions as well as receive powerful healing on many levels. During the session and while in the quantum space, we take the opportunity to support and repair the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies, auric field, and chakra system. It is also at this stage we would become aware of and release any attachment energy that may be present. For this event I will be selling various spiritual and metaphysical items. I will be offering Oracle Crad readings for part of the time during the event
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